Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Study for the 100%

More on this later, but I've come to learn, every. single. exam. period,

that it's necessary to be familiar with ALL the content.

Fo reals.

Class notes? Yup.

Readings? Check.

Is there a study guide? Practice it at least 2-3 times, and unless the teacher looks as though s/he has put a lot of thought into it, don't just depend on what's there.

Is your teacher offering a review session? GO.

Can you make an appointment for office hours? MAKE one.

In programs where your As are at 93% (like ahem cough mine), you may as well study to get 100%. That means knowing everything to the best of your ability.

And you know what? It's possible. You CAN do it.

 And if As are what you need, whether it's for higher ed or for licensing exams, then go for them. You are investing the time anyway.

I am thinking that in addition to my daily calendar and agenda, it may also be a good idea to have a monthly calendar board on the wall with exam dates in the area you study (if that's your thing). That way, you can keep track of how far away exams and other assignments are relative to other things (oh, like you know, your life.)

Happy, confident, motivated examing, everybody. Don't give up.

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